Your Sun Sign Explained

If you don't resonate with your horoscope, you are in the right place! Not many people know this, but the alignment of the zodiac seasons has shifted. This means that your sun sign may have changed. Download your free guide to see if you have a new sun sign!

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    Hi, I'm Jess!

    I'm a 13 sign astrology reader & I can't wait to share this beautiful tool with you.

    What is 13 Sign Astrology?

    Have you ever heard of the sign Ophiuchus? Likely not. It's the constellation in the sky that sits between Scorpio and Sagittarius. This means that there are 13 zodiac signs, not just the 12 we commonly see in mainstream astrology. This system embraces all 13 signs, which usually means that your sun sign has changed.

    My Story

    I discovered 13 sign astrology when I was knee-deep in my astrology certification, which was focused on mainstream (Western) astrology. I didn’t want to believe it. How could there be 13 zodiac signs, and how could this not be common knowledge? Since then, I followed the deep knowing in my body to allow my curiosity to take me deeper down this path. Now, I combine the knowledge that I’ve learned from my studies of Western astrology in with 13 sign astrology, having developed my own intuitive approach with it. In astrology, every chart is so different, and that’s what makes it so special. I can’t wait to explore yours with you!